50 Cent's Tatoo covers most part of his body and look like a work of
art. He has tattoo covering his arms, back and the front region of his
body. He had some of the tattoo on his right arm removed as he was keen
to pursue a career in Hollywood.
He thought that the tattoo could be a hindrance to his dreams of making
it big in movies as a lot of time was spent on make up to cover his
tattoo and had some of the prominent ones removed.
The tattoo on the back which is more famous and which sports the
signature 50 cents and Southside are still present and are part of his
overall personality and one cannot imagine him without these.
For a person who had quite a troubled childhood to rise to such fame
is amazing and 50 cents whose albums Get rich or Die Tryin and the
Massacrre were multi platinum selling hits.
You need to have a
certain personality to carry off a tattoo and 50 cent does it in style.
Lot of celebrities get some part of their bodies tattooed and after a
period of time removes it.
Some artists from the entertainment industry are known because of the
tattoos they sport and it is part of their style statement.
Cent's tatoos are also such a style statement and looking at him one
wonders as to whether he was born with tattoos. They look so natural and
great on his well ripped and muscled body.
The art of tattoos, or dermal pigmentation, has been around for quite
some time. The actual art began some 5000 years ago. The reasons why or
how it began remain as mysterious as what some of the designs actually
meant. Ones status among the others in his tribe seems to be a good
reason. It seems that the more elaborate the tattoo, the higher up in
the leadership of his tribe he was. (I use he [male] because the men in
ancient times were the only leaders. Women's suffrage had not yet been
thought of) these men consisted of the warriors of the tribes.

The warriors carried a lot of weight in decisions because they are the
ones who defended the tribe against all enemies. Stories of the tattoos
can still been seen today with some of the uncivilized tribes of South
America and Polynesia. Pictures of these tribes that are known to exist
date back to the mid to late 1800's. Hand written accounts exist from
the early travel of man in his quest to explore the world. Columbus
himself described many of these tribal tattoos
So, how did those tattoos get to be what they are today? Well, that is
simple. Have you ever seen how big the older ones are? Can you imagine
having your entire right arm a tribal tattoo? Don't get me wrong, I have
seen them. But, I think there is any overwhelming urge to get the
tattoo but with a scaled down attitude. I imagine that this is so that
when you go to a job interview or meet your future mother and father in
law, you are not shunned.
So how many tribal tattoos are there? Well, they are endless. That
basically means that only your imagination can limit how many. The ones
at the tattoo shops, well, he is limited to what he can afford to buy.
Usually, these shops have around a hundred. The best bet is to get
online, like you are now and look up some on your own.
The best advice I can give someone, get the one you want. Don't let
these guys doing the ink tell you what you want. These things can't be
washed off and they are not cheep. Pick a clean place. These guys that
use old needles and do it in the garage should go to jail. They could be
passing on nasty things like AIDS, Hepatitis or some other nasty thing I
am sure you don't want.